
awful: unit: datetime

  • :dt-break - break a DateTime value into days, hours et cetera
  • :dt-date - get current date (without time)
  • :dt-decode - decode a DateTime value (retrieve full date and time as dictionary)
  • :dt-encode - create a DateTime value corresponding to given date and time
  • :dt-from-unix - get DateTime corresponding to a Unix timestamp
  • :dt-make - make a DateTime value representing given amount of days, minutes et cetera
  • :dt-now - get current DateTime
  • :dt-runstart - get DateTime of script execution start
  • :dt-start - get DateTime of interpreter start
  • :dt-str - get a string representation of given DateTime
  • :dt-time - get current time (without date)
  • :dt-to-unix - get Unix timestamp corresponding to given DateTime

wikistrona zmodyfikowana 2014/0601/2317